Friday, 4 February 2011

It's Friday...

We've got past Thursday without a disaster, no skidoo rides, no twisted knees, in fact all three children had really good lessons with their school yesterday.  Well, we're half way through our adventure, eight weeks gone, eight weeks to go and the time has passed so quickly.  The snow keeps coming, the people of this village work tirelessly to keep the snow from building up, it is a constant battle to keep roads, car parks and driveways clear using an army of different snow vehicles for each job. Yesterday, diggers were piling snow on to the back of a lorry and taking it to a site at the bottom of the village, by the childrens school, where there is literally a mountain of snow, the children are sitting on it in the photo. The motto of this village is 'It's the Snow' as they have an average annual snowfall of 24.5 feet, we still have quite a way to go before we get that much!
We've been exploring some of the outer parts of the mountains and have come across old trappers cottages and dog houses, remnants of an age before skiing when animal pelts were a more lucrative market than chalets and pistes!  The skiing is so beautiful beyond the boundaries, the forests are silent and still, all noise is extinguished by the soft snow, the perfect place for a sleeping bear!!!!!  Hope we don't find one..

1 comment:

  1. WOW. I just cannot believe you have been gone so long. The time has raced past. Just go careful in them there woods! It sounds just beautiful where you are. A truly special place. A darn sight better than a damp mucky day in Upottery!

    Enjoy every single minute. It will be gone too soon.
